Major Apparel Retail Brand

Solutions Used

Project Overview

A large apparel retail business that uses Shopify for their online store, was facing a challenge in using the existing set of business intelligence reports provided by Shopify to make informed inventory decisions.

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The client wanted to be able to analyze real-time customer behavior and make informed decisions based on existing Shopify data, but the existing reports did not provide the requisite information for the task.


To address this problem, the client wanted to link their Shopify and Google Analytics datasets using Microsoft Power BI. Power BI is a business analytics tool that allows users to analyze data and share insights. By linking the two datasets, the client was able to analyze real-time customer behavior based on inventory levels of popular products.


With the integration of their Google Analytics and Shopify reporting through Power BI, the client was able to effectively analyze customer behavior and make informed inventory decisions based on the datasets. As a result, they were able to optimize their inventory management and improve their overall business operations.

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